Candidates for Spring Election

Notice is given that the Town of Deerfield will conduct a spring election on April 7, 2020 at which time two supervisor positions will be elected for a two year term. Current Supervisors are Mr. Nick Brattlie and Mr. Randy Behlke. Candidacy papers and nomination papers are available from the clerk’s office with the first day to circulate said papers being December 1, 2019 and said papers due back completed to the clerk by 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 7, 2020. 



The Town of Deerfield is currently in the process of updating its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and has received a rough draft of the proposed land use plan. The rough draft is located under the posts and notices category of the town’s website. There will be future meetings before the final draft is accepted by the township. There is an opportunity for all residents and landowners within the town to voice their opinions on this very important planning tool. The next number of years of planning and zoning decisions will be guided by this document.